Hi, Natalie,
If you need information, just go to the library webpage and click on the button "Database access" under the picture
There is a list of databases. I would start with the Ebscohost database. It is the most complete academic information database available. You will need to log in to access the database, but after you get into one it will allow you to go to others without logging in again. As you see in the instructions above the log-in area, you use the same username and password as you use to access your MyAllen account.
The default database is Academic Search Premier, but by clicking "choose Databases" to the right of Searching: Academic Search Premire", it will give you a list of more databases. For your topic, I would suggest Psychology and behavioral science collection, Academic Search Complete (more stuff than Premier, even), ERIC (education database), eBooks, Education abstracts, and any other that look good. Just put Xes in the boxes, then hit the OK button at the top. I would suggest checking the "full text" box under "Limin your results", then enter the search terms you need.to the right of the Ebsco symbol. Then select the search button, and it will find your information. You can cut down on the number of "hits" by entering another word, since it will also look for that word.
You can also try some of the other databases in the list.
You can print the results, or save them to a file. There are a number of different options.
If you need further assistance, you can ask your instructor about search terms, etc., or contact us again.
Good Luck.