When I pull up my Blackboard account, why don’t I see my class listed?
There could be several reasons your class isn’t listed.
1. Courses will not appear until the day the class starts. If you are logging in prior to the first day of the semester, this is probably the cause of your problem. The only item that will appear prior to the start of the semester is the Online Orientation which is an optional resource that starts 30 days prior to the first day of classes.
2. If classes have already started, it has been more than 24 hours since you’ve enrolled, and you still don’t see your class, contact Online Learning at Bbhelp@allencc.edu. You can also call the Iola Campus (620-365-5116) or the Burlingame Campus (785-654-2416) and ask for the Online Learning.
3. Your instructor may not be using Blackboard for his or her course. If you are in an onsite course, ask your instructor if he or she uses Blackboard for support.