Why are classes from a previous semester or that I’ve dropped or withdrawn from listed on my Blackboard page?
At the beginning of the semester you may see a class you dropped, withdrew from, or completed in a previous semester. We complete uploads of adds each day. On the other hand, drops and withdraws are removed from Blackboard once a month (usually at the end of the month).
Approximately one week after a semester is complete, courses are turned off. Once in a while, a teacher will turn an older class back on. If you see a course from a previous semester, you can email Bbhelp@allencc.edu for assistance.
You can hide your old classes so they do not show up on your “My Blackboard” screen. Look for the gear icon at the top-right corner of the “My Courses” box. Click that link to customize your screen so you can hide unused courses from view.
1. Locate the My Courses box.
2. Click on the Gear icon.
3. Uncheck the classes you no longer wish to be displayed.
4. Click the Submit button.