Answered By: Virginia Shaffer
Last Updated: Jul 25, 2014     Views: 17

Last night, I could see Module #, but today when I try to enter into it, I can’t find it. What happened?

This issue could be caused by one of two things. What may have happened is that the due date has expired for this assignment.  Often instructors will have items only be visible when the students can work on them. If the due date for the module/assignment/quiz/etc. has passed you will need to contact your instructor. 

If the deadline for the module has not passed, then you may be experiencing a browser issue.  (NOTE:  This happens most with Internet Explorer.)  Not all browsers, or even all versions of browsers, work well with the Blackboard system.  You should be using a CERTIFIED browser.  To check to see which browsers are currently recommended and work best, you should go to the Blackboard login page at and look for the list of approved browsers.  It will look similar to this screen shot:

You can also check for compatibility between your browser and Blackboard by going to the following link and checking your computer: .

 If you continue to have problems after changing to a certified browser, you can email

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