Answered By: Virginia Shaffer
Last Updated: Jul 25, 2014     Views: 26

When doing a research paper for Comp, it is usual to do a works cited page, or a bibliography. That is done by giving the references that you use when writing the paper and forming them into a "Works Cited Page". For English, it is done in MLA format. Your instructor should have given you guidelines for that.

There are several ways to do it. In MS Word 2007 and higher there is a reference button that will build the information for you. YOu can choose MLA or APA or other formats.

When using EBSCOhost, there is a citing button that you would use to build your page. You will find this feature when you open an article.

 I have added a link from our Student Guides called Research Tools that should help you.

If you have more questions, please contact us again.


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